
Propositional formula

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2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 03-XX [MSN][ZBL] An expression constructed from propositional variables (cf. Propositional variable) by means of the propositional connectives (cf. Propositional connective) $\&,\lor,\supset,\neg,\equiv$ (and possibly others) in accordance with the following rules: 1) each propositional variable is a propositional formula; and 2) if $A,B$ are propositional formulas, then so are $(A\&B)$, $(A\lor B)$, $(A\supset B)$, and $(\neg A)$.

If $\sigma$ is a set of propositional connectives (a fragment), then a propositional formula in the fragment $\sigma$ is a propositional formula in whose construction rule 2) only connectives from $\sigma$ are used.


[Wó] R. Wójcicki, "Theory of logical calculi", Kluwer (1988) pp. 13; 61 MR1009788 Zbl 0682.03001
[Zi] Z. Ziembinski, "Practical logic", Reidel (1976) pp. Chapt. V, §5 Zbl 0372.02001
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Propositional formula. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by S.K. Sobolev (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article