
Principal factor

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of a semi-group

A Rees quotient semi-group of the form $J(x)/N(x)$, where $J(x)$ is the two-sided principal ideal of the semi-group generated by the element $x$ and $N(x)=J(x)\setminus J_x$, where $J_x$ is the $\mathcal J$-class (cf. Green equivalence relations) containing $x$. If the set $N(x)$ is not empty, then it is an ideal, and if $N(x)=\emptyset$, one puts $J(x)/N(x)=J(x)$. A principal factor of a semi-group is also known as an ideal factor. An arbitrary principal factor of a semi-group is either a semi-group with zero multiplication, a $0$-simple semi-group or an ideally-simple semi-group (cf. Simple semi-group). The last situation occurs if and only if the semi-group has a kernel (cf. Kernel of a semi-group) and this kernel coincides with the given principal factor. A semi-group without a principal factor with zero multiplication is said to be semi-simple; the condition of semi-simplicity of a semi-group is equivalent, for example, to the fact that for any of its two-sided ideals $A$ the equality $A^2=A$ is valid. All regular semi-groups are semi-simple. If each principal factor of a semi-group is either completely $0$-simple or completely simple, then the semi-group is called completely semi-simple (cf. Completely-simple semi-group). A semi-group is completely semi-simple if and only if it is regular and satisfies any of the following (mutually-dual) conditions: for each $\mathcal J$-class the partially ordered set of $\mathcal L$-classes (or $\mathcal R$-classes) contained in it has a minimal element; in this case $\mathcal J=\mathcal D$.

Any semi-group consists, as it were, of its principal factors. This explains, in particular, the important role played by ideally-simple and $0$-simple semi-groups in the theory of semi-groups.


[1] E.S. Lyapin, "Semigroups" , Amer. Math. Soc. (1974) (Translated from Russian) Zbl 0303.20039
[2] A.H. Clifford, G.B. Preston, "Algebraic theory of semi-groups" , 1–2 , Amer. Math. Soc. (1961–1967) Zbl 0111.03403 Zbl 0178.01203


A principal factor of a semi-group is also called a chief factor of a semi-group.

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Principal factor. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by L.N. Shevrin (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article