
Supersolvable group

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supersoluble group

A group $G$ with a finite series of normal subgroups (cf. Subgroup series)

$$G=G_1\supseteq G_2\supseteq\ldots\supseteq G_{n+1}=E,$$

in which each quotient group $G_{i-1}/G_i$ is cyclic. Every supersolvable group is a polycyclic group. Subgroups and quotient groups of a supersolvable group are also supersolvable, and the commutator subgroup of a supersolvable group is nilpotent. A finite group is supersolvable if and only if all of its maximal subgroups have prime index (Huppert's theorem).



[a1] K. Doerk, T. Hawkes, "Finite soluble groups" , de Gruyter (1992) pp. 483ff
[a2] M. Hall, "The theory of groups" , Macmillan (1959) pp. Sects. 10.1; 10.5
How to Cite This Entry:
Supersolvable group. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by N.N. Vil'yams (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article