
Eom clean up.txt

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This script can be used in conjunction with TeXShop to clean up EOM source files.
It replaces "<img ..." strings by $•$ and "<table class="eq" ..." strings by $$•$$.
It also cleans up the list of references. 	

After execution, the cursor is positioned at the first bullet •. 
To go to the next bullet, press CTRL-COMMAND-F in TeXShop; 
to go to the previous bullet (if it has not been replaced by TeX code), press 

This script should be located in a folder called EOM_Scripts together with
the perl scripts (written by Ulf Rehmann)

In case a different folder is used, please change this below.

The two perl scripts need to be made executable. In order to do this,
open the Terminal app and type

cd Documents/EOM_Scripts/

then press <ENTER> and type

chmod u+x

then press <ENTER> and type

chmod u+x

then press <ENTER>

Now you can quit the Terminal app.


-- enter location of perl scripts here
set perlpath to "~/Documents/EOM_Scripts"


-- copy TeXShop front document into script_source
tell application "TeXShop"
	set script_source to text of front document as «class utf8»
end tell

-- make a temporary file on which the perl scripts can operate
set tempfile to make_temp_file()

-- copy script_source into the temporary file 
write_to_temp_file(POSIX file tempfile, script_source)

-- replace img strings by $•$ (inline maths) and table strings by $$•$$ (display maths)
set tempstuff to (do shell script "cd " & perlpath & "; ./ " & " < " & quoted form of tempfile)

-- replace content of tempfile with tempstuff
write_to_temp_file(POSIX file tempfile, tempstuff)

-- apply perl script (clean up references) to temporary file with output into a variable called tempstuff
set tempstuff to (do shell script "cd " & perlpath & "; ./ " & " < " & quoted form of tempfile)

-- replace content of tempfile with tempstuff and convert to UNIX (LF) format; uses flip
write_to_temp_file(POSIX file tempfile, tempstuff)
do shell script "/bin/tcsh -c '~/Library/TeXShop/bin/flip -u  " & tempfile & "'"

-- copy everything back to the front document of TeXShop
tell application "TeXShop"
	set text of front document to tempstuff as «class utf8»
end tell

-- move the cursor to the first "slot" $•$ or $$•$$
tell application "TeXShop"
end tell

tell application "System Events"
	tell process "TeXShop"
		key code 126 using command down
		key code 3 using {command down, control down}
	end tell
end tell

-- stuff below used to create temporary files and write to them
on make_temp_file()
	set folder_name to path to temporary items
	set file_name to "eom_temp" & (random number from 100000 to 999999)
	set existing_file_names to list folder folder_name
	repeat while file_name is in existing_file_names
		set file_name to "eom_temp" & (random number from 100000 to 999999)
	end repeat
	return (POSIX path of folder_name) & file_name
end make_temp_file

on write_to_temp_file(temp_file, temp_text)
	set file_ref to open for access temp_file with write permission
	set eof file_ref to 0
	write temp_text to file_ref as «class utf8»
	close access file_ref
end write_to_temp_file
How to Cite This Entry:
Eom clean up.txt. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: