
Thomas-Fermi theory

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Fermi–Thomas theory

Sometimes called the "statistical theory" , it was invented by L.H. Thomas [a13] and E. Fermi [a2], shortly after E. Schrödinger invented his quantum-mechanical wave equation, in order to approximately describe the electron density, $\rho ( x )$, $x \in \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 }$, and the ground state energy, $E ( N )$ for a large atom or molecule with a large number, $N$, of electrons. Schrödinger's equation, which would give the exact density and energy, cannot be easily handled when $N$ is large (cf. also Schrödinger equation).

A starting point for the theory is the Thomas–Fermi energy functional. For a molecule with $K$ nuclei of charges $Z_i > 0$ and locations $R_{i} \in \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 }$ ($i = 1 , \ldots , K$), it is \begin{equation} \tag{a1} \mathcal{E} ( \rho ) : = \end{equation} \begin{equation*} := \frac { 3 } { 5 } \gamma \int _ { \mathbf R ^ { 3 } } \rho ( x ) ^ { 5 / 3 } d x - \int _ { \mathbf R ^ { 3 } } V ( x ) \rho ( x ) d x + \end{equation*} \begin{equation*} +\frac { 1 } { 2 } \int _ { {\bf R} ^ { 3 } } \int _ { {\bf R} ^ { 3 } } \frac { \rho ( x ) \rho ( y ) } { | x - y | } d x d y + U \end{equation*} in suitable units. Here, \begin{equation*} V ( x ) = \sum _ { j = 1 } ^ { K } Z _ { j } | x - r _ { j } | ^ { - 1 }, \end{equation*} \begin{equation*} U = \sum _ { 1 \leq i < j \leq K } Z _ { i } Z _ { j } | R _ { i } - R _ { j } | ^ { - 1 }, \end{equation*} and $\gamma = ( 3 \pi ^ { 2 } ) ^ { 2 / 3 }$.

The constraint on $\rho$ is $\rho ( x ) \geq 0$ and $\int _ { \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } } \rho = N$.

The functional $\rho \rightarrow \mathcal{E} ( \rho )$ is convex (cf. also Convex function (of a real variable)).

The justification for this functional is this: The first term is roughly the minimum quantum-mechanical kinetic energy of $N$ electrons needed to produce an electron density $\rho$.

The second term is the attractive interaction of the $N$ electrons with the $K$ nuclei, via the Coulomb potential $V$.

The third is approximately the electron-electron repulsive energy. $U$ is the nuclear-nuclear repulsion and is an important constant.

The Thomas–Fermi energy is defined to be \begin{equation*} E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N ) = \operatorname { inf } \{ \mathcal{E} ( \rho ) : \rho \in L ^ { 5 / 3 } , \int \rho = N , \rho \geq 0 \}, \end{equation*} i.e., the Thomas–Fermi energy and density are obtained by minimizing ${\cal E} ( \rho )$ with $\rho \in L ^ { 5 / 3 } ( \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } )$ and $\int \rho = N$.

The Euler–Lagrange equation, in this case called the Thomas–Fermi equation, is \begin{equation} \tag{a2} \gamma \rho ( x ) ^ { 2 / 3 } = [ \Phi ( x ) - \mu ]_+ , \end{equation} where $[ a ] + = \operatorname { max } \{ 0 , a \}$, $\mu$ is some constant (a Lagrange multiplier; cf. Lagrange multipliers) and $\Phi$ is the Thomas–Fermi potential: \begin{equation} \tag{a3} \Phi ( x ) = V ( x ) - \int _ { \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } } | x - y | ^ { - 1 } \rho ( y ) d y. \end{equation}

The following essential mathematical facts about the Thomas–Fermi equation were established by E.H. Lieb and B. Simon [a7] (cf. also [a3]): 1)

There is a density

$\rho _ { N } ^ { \operatorname {TF} }$

that minimizes

${\cal E} ( \rho )$

if and only if

$N \leq Z : = \sum _ { j = 1 } ^ { K } Z _ { j }$.


$\rho _ { N } ^ { \operatorname {TF} }$

is unique and it satisfies the Thomas–Fermi equation


for some

$\mu \geq 0$.

Every positive solution,




is a minimizer of



$N = \int \rho$.


$N > Z$,


$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N ) = E ^ { \text{TF} } ( Z )$

and any minimizing sequence converges weakly in

$L ^ { 5 / 3 } ( \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } )$


$\rho ^ { \operatorname {TF} } _{ Z }$.


$\Phi ( x ) \geq 0$

for all


(This need not be so for the real Schrödinger



$\mu = \mu ( N )$

is a strictly monotonically decreasing function of



$\mu ( Z ) = 0$


neutral case).


is the

chemical potential,


\begin{equation*} \mu ( N ) = - \frac { \partial E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N ) } { \partial N }. \end{equation*}

$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N )$

is a strictly convex, decreasing function of



$N \leq Z$


$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N ) = E ^ { \text{TF} } ( Z )$


$N \geq Z$.


$N < Z$,

$\rho _ { N } ^ { \operatorname {TF} }$

has compact support.


$N = Z$,



$\gamma \rho ^ { 2 / 3 } = \Phi$.

By applying the

Laplace operator


to both sides, one obtains

\begin{equation*} - \Delta \Phi ( x ) + 4 \pi \gamma ^ { - 3 / 2 } \Phi ( x ) ^ { 3 / 2 } = 4 \pi \sum _ { j = 1 } ^ { K } Z _ { j } \delta ( x - R _ { j } ), \end{equation*}

which is the form in which the Thomas–Fermi

equation is usually stated (but it

is valid only for

$N = Z$).

An important property of the solution is

Teller's theorem


(proved rigorously in


which implies that the

Thomas–Fermi molecule

is always unstable, i.e., for each

$N \leq Z$

there are



$N _ { j } \in ( 0 , Z _ { j } )$


$\sum _ { j } N _ { j } = N$

such that

\begin{equation} \tag{a4} E ^ { \operatorname{TF} } ( N ) > \sum _ { j = 1 } ^ { K } E _ { \operatorname{atom} } ^ { \operatorname{TF} } ( N _ { j } , Z _ { j } ), \end{equation}


$E _ { \operatorname{atom} } ^ { \operatorname{TF} } ( N _ { j } , Z _ { j } )$

is the Thomas–Fermi

energy with

$K = 1$,

$Z = Z_j$


$N = N_{j}$.

The presence of




is crucial for this result. The inequality is strict. Not only does

$E ^ { \text{TF} }$

decrease when the nuclei are pulled infinitely far apart (which is



says) but any dilation of the nuclear coordinates

($R _ { j } \rightarrow \text{l}R _ { j }$,

$\text{l} > 1$)

will decrease

$E ^ { \text{TF} }$

in the neutral case

(positivity of the pressure)



This theorem plays an important role in the

stability of matter.

An important question concerns the connection between

$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N )$


$E ^ { \text{Q} } ( N )$,


ground state energy

(i.e., the infimum of the spectrum) of the

Schrödinger operator,


it was meant to approximate.

\begin{equation*} H = - \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { N } [ \Delta _ { i } + V ( x _ { i } ) ] + \sum _ { 1 \leq i < j \leq N } | x _ { i } - x _ { j } | ^ { - 1 } + U, \end{equation*}

which acts on the

anti-symmetric functions

$\wedge ^ { N } L ^ { 2 } ( \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } ; \mathbf{C} ^ { 2 } )$

(i.e., functions of space and spin). It used to be believed that

$E ^ { \text{TF} }$

is asymptotically exact as

$N \rightarrow \infty$,

but this is not quite right;

$Z \rightarrow \infty$

is also needed.





proved that if one fixes



$Z _ { j } / Z$

and sets

$R _ { j } = Z ^ { - 1 / 3 } R _ { j } ^ { 0 }$,

with fixed

$R _ { j } ^ { 0 } \in \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 }$,

and sets

$N = \lambda Z$,


$0 \leq \lambda < 1$,


\begin{equation} \tag{a5} \operatorname { lim } _ { Z \rightarrow \infty } \frac { E ^ { \text{TF} } ( \lambda Z ) } { E ^ { \text{Q} } ( \lambda Z ) } = 1. \end{equation}

In particular, a simple change of variables shows that

$E _ { \text{atom} } ^ { \text{TF} } ( \lambda , Z ) = Z ^ { 7 / 3 } E _ { \text{atom} } ^ { \text{TF} } ( \lambda , 1 )$

and hence the true energy of a large atom is asymptotically

proportional to

$Z ^ { 7 / 3 }$.

Likewise, there is a well-defined sense in which the

quantum-mechanical density converges to

$\rho _ { N } ^ { \operatorname {TF} }$



The Thomas–Fermi density for an atom located at

$R = 0$,

which is spherically symmetric, scales as

\begin{equation*} \rho _ { \text { atom } } ^ { \text {TF} } ( x ; N = \lambda Z , Z ) = \end{equation*}

\begin{equation*} = Z ^ { 2 } \rho _ { \text { atom } } ^ { \operatorname{TF} } ( Z ^ { 1 / 3 } x ; N = \lambda , Z = 1 ). \end{equation*}

Thus, a large atom (i.e., large


is smaller than a

$Z = 1$

atom by a factor

$Z ^ { - 1 / 3 }$

in radius. Despite this seeming paradox, Thomas–Fermi

theory gives the correct

electron density in a real atom (so far as the bulk of the

electrons is concerned) as

$Z \rightarrow \infty$.

Another important fact is the

large-$| x |$

asymptotics of

$\rho _ { \text { atom } } ^ { \text{TF} }$

for a neutral atom. As

$| x | \rightarrow \infty$,

\begin{equation*} \rho _ { \text{atom} } ^ { \text{TF} } ( x , N = Z , Z ) \sim \gamma ^ { 3 } \left( \frac { 3 } { \pi } \right) ^ { 3 } | x | ^ { - 6 }, \end{equation*}

independent of


Again, this behaviour agrees with quantum mechanics — on a

length scale

$Z ^ { - 1 / 3 }$,

which is where the bulk of the electrons is to be found.

In light of the limit theorem


Teller's theorem

can be understood as saying that, as

$Z \rightarrow \infty$,

the quantum-mechanical binding energy of a molecule is of lower order



than the total ground state energy. Thus, Teller's theorem is

not a defect of Thomas–Fermi

theory (although it is sometimes interpreted that

way) but an important statement about the true quantum-mechanical


For finite


one can show, using the

Lieb–Thirring inequalities


and the

Lieb–Oxford inequality



$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N )$,

with a modified


gives a lower bound to

$E ^ { \text{Q} } ( N )$.



to Thomas–Fermi theory have been proposed, but none have a

fundamental significance in the sense of being


in the

$Z \rightarrow \infty$

limit. The

von Weizsäcker correction

consists in adding a term

\begin{equation*} \text{(const)} \int _ { {\bf R} ^ { 3 } } | \nabla \sqrt { \rho ( x ) } | ^ { 2 } d x \end{equation*}


${\cal E} ( \rho )$.

This preserves the convexity of

${\cal E} ( \rho )$

and adds

$(\text{const})Z ^ { 2 }$


$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N )$



is large. It also has the effect that the range of


for which there is a minimizing


is extend from

$[ 0 , Z ]$


$[ 0 , Z + ( \text { const } ) K ]$.

Another correction, the

Dirac exchange energy,

is to add

\begin{equation*} - ( \text {const} ) \int _ { {\bf R} ^ { 3 } } \rho ( x ) ^ { 4 / 3 } d x \end{equation*}


${\cal E} ( \rho )$.

This spoils the convexity but not the range

$[ 0 , Z ]$

for which a



exists, cf.


for both of these corrections.

When a uniform external magnetic field


is present, the operator

$- \Delta$



is replaced by

\begin{equation*} | i \nabla + A ( x ) | ^ { 2 } + \sigma . B ( x ), \end{equation*}


$\operatorname{curl}A = B$



denoting the Pauli spin matrices (cf. also

Pauli matrices).

This leads to a modified Thomas–Fermi theory

that is asymptotically exact as

$Z \rightarrow \infty$,

but the theory depends on the manner in which


varies with


There are five distinct regimes and theories:

$B \ll Z ^ { 4 / 3 }$,

$B \sim Z ^ { 4 / 3 }$,

$Z ^ { 4 / 3 } \ll B \ll Z ^ { 3 }$,

$B \sim Z ^ { 3 }$,


$B \gg Z ^ { 3 }$.





are relevant for

neutron stars.

Another class of Thomas–Fermi theories with

magnetic fields is relevant for electrons confined to

two-dimensional geometries

(quantum dots)


In this case there are three regimes. A convenient review



Still another modification of Thomas–Fermi theory

is its extension from a

theory of the ground states of atoms and molecules (which corresponds

to zero temperature) to a theory of positive temperature states of

large systems such as stars






R. Benguria,

E.H. Lieb,

"The positivity of the pressure in Thomas–Fermi theory"

Comm. Math. Phys.

, 63


pp. 193–218

((Errata: 71 (1980), 94))

E. Fermi,

"Un metodo statistico per la determinazione di alcune priorieta dell'atome"

Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei

, 6


pp. 602–607

E.H. Lieb,

"Thomas–Fermi and related theories of atoms and molecules"

Rev. Mod. Phys.

, 53


pp. 603–641

((Errata: 54 (1982), 311))

E. Teller,

"On the stability of molecules in Thomas–Fermi theory"

Rev. Mod. Phys.

, 34


pp. 627–631

J. Messer,

"Temperature dependent Thomas–Fermi theory"

, Lecture Notes Physics

, 147

, Springer


E.H. Lieb,

S. Oxford,

"An improved lower bound on the indirect Coulomb energy"

Internat. J. Quant. Chem.

, 19


pp. 427–439

E.H. Lieb,

B. Simon,

"The Thomas–Fermi theory of atoms, molecules and solids"

Adv. Math.

, 23


pp. 22–116

E.H. Lieb,

J.P. Solovej,

J. Yngvason,

"Asymptotics of heavy atoms in high magnetic fields: I. lowest Landau band region"

Commun. Pure Appl. Math.

, 47


pp. 513–591

E.H. Lieb,

J.P. Solovej,

J. Yngvason,

"Asymptotics of heavy atoms in high magnetic fields: II. semiclassical regions"

Comm. Math. Phys.

, 161


pp. 77–124

E.H. Lieb,

J.P. Solovej,

J. Yngvason,

"Ground states of large quantum dots in magnetic fields"

Phys. Rev. B

, 51


pp. 10646–10665

E.H. Lieb,

J.P. Solovej,

J. Yngvason,

"Asymptotics of natural and artificial atoms in strong magnetic fields"

W. Thirring (ed.)

, The stability of matter: from atoms to stars, selecta of E.H. Lieb

, Springer


pp. 145–167

(Edition: Second)

E.H. Lieb,

W. Thirring,

"Inequalities for the moments of the eigenvalues of the Schrödinger Hamiltonian and their relation to Sobolev inequalities"

E. Lieb (ed.)

B. Simon (ed.)

A. Wightman (ed.)

, Studies in Mathematical Physics: Essays in Honor of Valentine Bargmann

, Princeton Univ. Press


pp. 269–303

((See also: W. Thirring (ed.), The stability of matter: from the atoms to stars, Selecta of E.H. Lieb, Springer, 1977))

L.H. Thomas,

"The calculation of atomic fields"

Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.

, 23


pp. 542–548

W. Thirring,

"A course in mathematical physics"

, 4

, Springer


pp. 209–277

Elliott H. Lieb

Copyright to this article is held by Elliott Lieb.

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Thomas-Fermi theory. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: